New Members

New Members

We get it! You’ve just joined the club and are chomping at the bit to really get stuck in, but what can you do between the Wednesday night and Sunday morning training sessions?

Well we have some interesting resources here, guaranteed to help you while away those hours when you are probably supposed to be doing other things anyway 🙂

Purchasing Equipment

There’s a lot of gear out there, how do you know what is right for you? Do you want to shoot recurve, barebow, compound, instinctive? Do you know yet? Talk to other members to get their opinions. There will be many different opinions of course, all valid, but it will help you decide which direction you want to head in. And remember you can always change! There are some excellent archery shops in Ireland. It is definitely worth paying them a visit and having a chat. They will be more than happy to advise you.

Burren Archery
Prima Archery